Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Spotlight: Tommy Berry

This Spotlight features Tommy Berry, drummer for The Crew. Tommy is a faithful follower of Christ who is dedicated to using his time and talents to serve the Lord. Here is a glimpse into his journey with God …

I was born in Cleveland Ohio and within a few months we moved to Charlotte, North Carolina. My parents divorced when I was 3 and my mom quickly became my hero doing her very best to keep us happy as a single parent.

A couple of years later, my mom met and married a man who came alongside our family—a man who introduced us to a new way of living—life in Christ. God had a plan! My mom and I accepted Christ at the same time when an invitation was given by a woman who was speaking at a youth camp we were attending. My life changed forever. I was 7.

My high school years at Charlotte Christian School were where God truly started to define my character and lay a foundation for the person I would become through the teaching and mentoring of many spirit-filled teachers. They not only taught me, they lived their faith in front of me. At my graduation in 1985, I received one of the most honorable awards to receive in a Christian school … the "Timothy Award". It exemplifies "service above self." I had my moments of being mischievous as any youngster does, but godly character was taking shape.

The makings of a drummer …

I started playing drums after going to a friend’s house one day and seeing him play. I rode home as fast as I could, ran in the door and said, "Dad, I want to play drums." Knowing I had no musical experience (other than knocking over my sisters acoustic guitar and making loud BOOM of chords) he laughed and said, “Uh, no!” But I was determined.

At 14, I made my own drums out of model car boxes. I built a wooden stand and used electrical tape to secure them to my stand. I dumped uncooked pinto beans into the box for my snare drum. Cool idea, but it doesn't work, for all you wanna be drummers. The hi-hat was the leg post of my weight bench. It had a nice ring, a bit tinny and really annoying, but it worked. My bass drum, oh how my parents hated this one, was a simple stomp to the floor. My cymbals were my drapes ... they were doomed from the get go. After a month of "learning" how to play my boxes and replacing many, many model car boxes and breaking many popsicle stick, rubber-banded pencils, AS IF they were real drums, my parents finally took me seriously and got me a good set. God always provides a means when he has a purpose.

What are you doing now?

I have been married 24 years and with each passing year I see God's love and faithfulness. I have two awesome kids. My son, Addison, is a drummer like his pops and ever so kindhearted and gentle that he makes me smile all the time, and Ashlyn my beautiful daughter whom God adores.

I am an IT Professional by trade and have been in the industry for 25 years. I am an AVID mountain biker and love to hit the trails whenever possible ... literally!! Some call me “Crash” and I have the scars and broken bones to prove it. I am also a photographer. My site is if you want to view my portfolio. I also enjoy winter backpacking, rock climbing and eating York Peppermint Pattys with my buddy Jorge while we make kewl rhythms.

Why the name, “The Crew,” and how did it begin?

I met Christabel Corazza, Carolinas Voices of Faith Director, at a local church where I played the drums with my buddy Jorge. We made quick connections and talked about playing other gigs together, and we always referred to the musicians as “The Crew.” The word "crew" generally refers to a group of people who do a common task for one purpose. After many conversations of trying to figure out what to really call the musicians, we realized that “The Crew” simply fits who we are and what we do. The Crew is the group of faithful musicians that uses their talents to minister while on stage and off. Whether it’s for Carolina Voices of Faith, or playing with other local musicians for outreach in another venue, or even helping with the setup chairs before an event before we perform, we are here to serve.

Where do you see The Crew going from here?

I think most commonly, musicians think on a grand scale FIRST before they ever ask God, “How can I bring glory to your name with my talent?” In turn, missing the whole idea of why God has gifted each of us in such a personal way. Playing to the masses is the ultimate dream for any musician, but if we even play for a group of two and just one of those individuals comes to know Christ through our worship, then our purpose for that moment is served, and a life is saved. If our mindset is “God I will go where you send me”… it leaves infinite possibilities for God to do as he wishes and removes our self imposed “requirements” on Him. Humility is a virtue.

If you put God in “your” box and tell him what you will do and will not do, then you place limits on God. Open the top, bottom and sides of the box and he will overflow in any direction he wishes, and you will be blessed. Be faithful, diligent and prepared.

So when asked, "Where do you see The Crew going from here?" My answer is: “Anywhere we can be used to reach a soul for Christ outside of the box we tend to create for ourselves … the possibilities are endless.”

If you are interested in playing with The Crew, please contact